
Dockoff was born in 1981 in Pleven, Bulgaria. While he was growing up, he understood that the music is very important to him, and he began to take piano lessons when he is 7 years old. He pass through a lot of music styles until 1997... when his cousin introduce him to the House music by giving him some tapes from LOVE PARADE GERMANY. Several years later, the House music became part of him.

The first steps of his production career is in 2004. In 2008 came out his first release: Darkcruise EP. Soon after that, in April 2009 came out Illusions EP, released by Kansak Recordings. His productions was and still are featured in the charts of one of the best DJ's like Gerardo Boscarino, DJ Tarkan, Fernando Ferreyra, Mariano Favre and many others.